Watercolour portrait of Peter, a white man, with curly dark hair, beard, glasses and wearing a dark blue sweater.

Peter Torres Fremlin

Peter is the author of Disability Debrief and is based in Colchester, UK.

Bad people took pity on us

Stories from wartime Ukraine, migration across Mexico, and higher education in Brazil
14 Jun 2023

Disability news from 50+ countries, June 2023

From the top of Everest to protests in Paris and Seoul
07 Jun 2023

Do we practice what we preach?

The discrimination we face while advocating on disability
24 May 2023
An illustration of a ramp that becomes a series of steps. Surrounded by pleasant greenery. Signed Tan Kuan Aw 2023.

A small group of people

Movement building, assistive technology and acquiring disability
17 May 2023

Taming the tiger

Updates from Sudan, the future of care and ableism in the Paralympics
10 May 2023
An illustration of a tiger in front of a monk. The tiger looms larger but the seated monk calmly holds a hand up.

لسنا وحدنا : الأشخاص ذوو الإعاقة في نزاع السودان

التنقل في الأزمات وأشياء تجمعها أنظمة الحب
05 May 2023

“We are not alone”: Disabled people in Sudan's conflict

Mobility in crisis, and the systems of love that hold things together
03 May 2023
An illustration of city buildings with smoke towering above. In the foreground a small bus heads into the desert.

Benefits for Bond Villains

Disabled villains, humanitarian crises, and how Judy changed the world
26 Apr 2023

How do we look after each other?

Rethinking care systems with policy and personal experience
18 Apr 2023

If I had a magic wand

Disability community and where the Debrief is going
11 Apr 2023