Disability in Congo-Kinshasa

Curated news and resources on inclusion and rights

Library > Countries > Africa > Congo-Kinshasa

This page has curated news from Congo-Kinshasa. There are a total of 3 links.


Culture, Entertainment and Media

Congolese Rapper MC Baba Is Mute and Can't Sing, Rap or Hear?

“MC Baba claims fame through his ability to produce rhythmic sounds and mouth movements, despite reportedly being unable to hear or speak. His performances do not involve traditional singing or rapping with words, but rather, mouth sounds that align with backing tracks.” (Jun, Snopes)

Education and Childhood

Violent Discipline in North Kivu: The Role of Child Gender and Disability Status in Cross-sectional Analysis: “levels of violence in conflict-affected households in North Kivu, DRC are high, with women reporting higher levels of violent discipline overall, and amplified use of violence against girl children with disabilities.” (2023, Maternal and Child Health Journal)

Violence and Harassment

After surviving sexual violence, youth leader creates change for girls with disabilities in the DRC. (Feb, UNFPA)