International Cooperation
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This page has curated news on International Cooperation. There are resources from 34 countries and regions, with a total of 177 links.
Related subtopics:
From International News:
Do we practice what we preach? A Debrief feature on the discrimination we face while advocating on disability. (2023, Disability Debrief)
Tracking disability inclusion in multilateral organizations a report on how inclusion changed between 2018 and 2022.
“Although this report finds certain progress regarding the monitoring of disability inclusion since the first Global Disability Summit, particularly on strategies and commitments, the findings discuss how the step from ambitions to documentation of successful disability inclusion continues to be limited.” (2022, Fafo)
Engagement of organizations of persons with disabilities: A discussion paper finding that “OPDs are more consulted than before, levels of participation remain insufficient.” Explores the gaps as well as good practices, particularly around investment in supporting representative organizations. (2022, IDA)
Unequal partnership Funders should support the disability movement more directly: analysis of recent research that reveals grassroots organisations of persons with disabilities are funded as “indirectly as possible”. (2024, Disability Debrief)
What went wrong? Exclusive coverage on the Debrief of the crisis at the International Disability Alliance and exploration of the changes needed in disability leadership. (2024, Disability Debrief)
Localization and organisations of persons with disabilities: case studies on inclusion in humanitarian funding. One of the key takeaways is:
“Local OPD funding landscape is done as ‘indirectly as possible’. Donors prefer to fund project delivery INGO intermediaries. These intermediaries channel their funding to national umbrella OPDs/federations that then channel funding to other OPDs who are engaged to deliver smaller bits of the project. The amount that trickles from donors to smaller OPDs is small as huge chunks of budgets are retained by the INGOs and national OPD associations.” (2024, GLAD)
We need to talk Does the disability movement need a strategic reset? Debrief feature exploring the crisis at the International Disability Alliance (IDA). (2024, Disability Debrief)
From Bangladesh:
Prayer to failure Debrief feature with reflections 10 years after the Rana Plaza building collapse. (2023, Disability Debrief)
From Ethiopia:
Strengthening Organizations of Persons with Disabilities increases impact and value for money: "For every $1 provided by CBM, FEAPD have generated approximately a staggering $14." (2021, CBM Australia)
From Uganda:
Uganda’s Diverse Disability Movement Offers Lessons for an Ableist Global Philanthropy. (2022, Yes!)
Resources by country:
International News
Disability Equity and Rights: Essays on challenges, opportunities, and ways forward for inclusive development.
Global Disability Innovation Hub Disability Innovation Strategy 2025 - 2030. (GDI)
Looking ahead to 2025 reflections from the International Disability Alliance:
“IDA members have decided on a range of governance changes aimed at enhancing accountability, transparency, and effective representation and leadership, with the adoption of revised Articles of Association planned for the General Assembly meeting in January 2025.” (2024, IDA)
Fairer Funding More Power to Disability Justice Activists and Organisations:
“Fairer funding for organisations of persons with disabilities means them having the power to set their own priorities, lead their own work, manage their own resources, and speak with their own voice.” (2024, ADD)
Unequal partnership Funders should support the disability movement more directly: analysis of recent research that reveals grassroots organisations of persons with disabilities are funded as “indirectly as possible”. (2024, Disability Debrief)
The impact of inclusion profiles of disabled people who have been supported. (2024, Sightsavers)
5 tips for programme co-creation: a guide for NGOs. (2024, Light for the World)
What went wrong? Exclusive coverage on the Debrief of the crisis at the International Disability Alliance and exploration of the changes needed in disability leadership. (2024, Disability Debrief)
Driving change: six principles for inclusive development, findings from the Inclusive Futures programme. (2024, Inclusive Futures)
How can we build in disability inclusion at grassroots levels? Advice from organisations in Bangladesh, Kenya and Nepal. (2024, CBM UK)
Localization and organisations of persons with disabilities: case studies on inclusion in humanitarian funding. One of the key takeaways is:
“Local OPD funding landscape is done as ‘indirectly as possible’. Donors prefer to fund project delivery INGO intermediaries. These intermediaries channel their funding to national umbrella OPDs/federations that then channel funding to other OPDs who are engaged to deliver smaller bits of the project. The amount that trickles from donors to smaller OPDs is small as huge chunks of budgets are retained by the INGOs and national OPD associations.” (2024, GLAD)
Interview with Natalia Guala Beathyate director of ONCE Social Group and expert on the Committee of Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (In Spanish, 2024, Cermi)
Women Enabled Strategic Plan 2024 – 2028 “The Future of Gender Equality is Inclusive – The Future of Disability Rights is Feminist” (2024, Women Enabled)
UN Flagship Report On Disability And Development 2024 (2024, UN)
Embracing disability in human rights defense
“The human rights movement must create the conditions where diverse people, including those with disabilities, can safely engage in spaces for public participation. This means developing new ways of organizing that leverages the talents and contributions of those defending human rights.” (2024, Alliance)
Guidance material on reporting to UN Human Rights Mechanisms for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities. (2024, IDA and DPOD)
Mary Keogh new chair of the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) (2024, CBM Global)
Open letter to the international disability rights community on Gaza “As a human rights movement, the disability rights community cannot remain silent.”
“For Gazans with disabilities, the circumstances could not be worse: the complete collapse of basic vital services, displacement, starvation, disease, and indiscriminate bombing have created a nightmare scenario in which their very survival is jeopardized. Israel’s restrictions on humanitarian aid exacerbate the challenges they face, limiting access to food, medicine, assistive devices and other vital supplies. While no official numbers are available, many children and adults with disabilities have been killed, including long-time disability rights defenders Bader Mosleh and Hashem Ghazal.” (2024, A collective of human rights activists)
Believe in Better: Shaping the future through the meaningful engagement of young persons with disabilities:
“This research document provides an overview of statistics on young persons with disabilities aged 15 to 24, identifies the main barriers for their participation in decision-making spaces, and highlights the efforts and challenges of the UN system in promoting their rights.” (2024, UNFPA)
If Momentum is Lost, Persons with Disabilities Will Fall Further Behind. Proposals to ensure inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Summit of the Future processes and beyond. (2024, SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD)
Everything about us with us Zhang Haidi, president of Rehabilitation International (RI) and former chairperson of China Disabled Persons' Federation:
“hopes to further improve coordination among governments and international organizations, calling for the establishment of the World Disability Organization under the U.N. framework”. (2024,
Community-based rehabilitation for people with psychosocial disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of the grey literature. (2024, International Journal of Mental Health Systems)
Pact for the future: Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities calls for specific references to disability. (2024, IDA)
We need to talk Does the disability movement need a strategic reset? Debrief feature exploring the crisis at the International Disability Alliance (IDA). (2024, Disability Debrief)
Partnering with OPDs: What can we learn? an interview with Kimber Bialik of Inclusion International. “We challenge organizations to consider how their ways of working might be excluding people.” (2024, Inklusion Leben)
Ambassadors of Social Progress A History of International Blind Activism in the Cold War. “Examines the ways in which blind activists from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe entered the postwar international disability movement and shaped its content and its course.” (2024, Cornell University Press)
Power does not shift easily reflections on ADD International's journey to transform the organization, which includes reducing its size:
“Our overall aim of disrupting the dominant funding system means no longer centring our own growth. On joining ADD, we observed that over time the ‘professionalisation’ of its work had led to more and more of the organisation’s resources being invested in ADD doing things.” (2024, Alliance)
Our Model: Disability Rights Fund Theory of Change & 5-Year Strategic Plan (2024, DRF)
Cultivating Hope: 15 Years of DRF & the Road Ahead. (2023, Disability Rights Fund)
NewSpecial edition on colleagues with disabilities making an inclusive United Nations. (Link to pdf, 2023, NewSpecial)
Women Enabled International 2022 Annual Report marking their 10th anniversary. (2023, Women Enabled International)
Putting meaningful engagement with organisations of people with disabilities into practice a short video. (2023, Sightsavers)
Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development Summer issue of the journal. (2023, DCID)
ILO Disability Inclusion Policy and Strategy (2020-23): Final thematic evaluation. “Overall, the evaluation found the ILO has leveraged the launch of the UNDIS to launch and implement a Policy and Strategy that has helped to further attention to disability inclusion within the Office. Progress has been made in several areas, but much remains to be done.” (2023, ILO)
Meaningful inclusion of women and girls with disabilities in development programmes. (2023, Inclusive Futures)
Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion analysis Good practice note. (2023, DFAT Australia)
The Center for Inclusive Policy’s Strategic Plan 2024-2026. Debrief partners CIP lay out their strategic vision as a "think and do tank". (2023, CIP)
Be Inclusive: learning report on including women and girls with disabilities in development and humanitarian projects. One of the lessons learned is to interrupt the assumption that participation in a project is in itself to achieve a positive outcome. (2023, Inclusive Futures)
Shifting Power: Movement-Led Technical Assistance in Action! (2023, Disability Rights Fund)
Reaching women and girls with disabilities Practical steps and lessons learned. (2023, Inclusive Futures)
Re-thinking disability inclusion for the SDGs (2023, UNDP)
UNPRPD Annual Report 2022 UN Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities' Annual Report. (2023)
Focus on Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) around the world, an evidence digest. (Link to pdf, 2023)
From Crises to Solutions: Disability Rights Fund 2022 annual report on Building Diverse Movements for Inclusion (2023, DRF)
Do we practice what we preach? A Debrief feature on the discrimination we face while advocating on disability. (2023, Disability Debrief)
Dialogue of the Special Rapporteurs: a conversation between Catalina Devandas and Gerard Quinn. (2023, Gerard Quinn)
G20 process gets separate group to mainstream persons with disabilities within civil society engagement: Disability, Equity and Justice. (2023, Times of India)
World Food Programme Disability Inclusion Helpdesk: a learning brief on its contributions to mainstreaming disability within the organization. (2023, CBM Global)
How can building collaborative alliances support disability inclusion? (2023, Inclusive Futures)
Discussion on increasing the engagement between disabled people's organizations and the United Nations (2023, Center for Inclusive Policy)
UNICEF Disability Inclusion Policy and Strategy (DIPAS) 2022-2030. Commitments to increase resourcing, employment and more. (2023, UNICEF) See also coverage on the Lancet.
The Zero Project 2023 celebrated. See the session recordings and this year's awardees. (2023, Zero Project)
CBM Global’s Power Shift Journey: “The diversity of views received were not always easy to reconcile or harmonise – a fair reflection of the diversity of the disability movement.” (2023, CBM Global)
Evaluation of Ford's Disability Inclusion Initiative “Since 2018, we have invested more than $70 million toward projects and organizations focused on disability and an additional $250 million to social justice organizations including disability within their broader work.” See also the lessons for other grant makers. (2023, Ford Foundation)
It is time for a radical rethink on how we distribute funding in the disability rights movement. (2023, Bond)
A guide to building successful partnerships between INGOs and disability organisations. (2023, Inclusive Futures)
Situation Analyses of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Lessons and Conclusions from Twenty-Six Countries. (2022, UNPRPD)
The third report on Disability Inclusion in the United Nations system reviews work done in 2021:
“As we move into the fourth year of the Strategy’s implementation, it is clear that staff at all levels, supported by their leadership, are taking action to advance disability inclusion across programmes and operations. While findings demonstrate that significant progress has been made since 2019, a majority of benchmarks set by the Strategy to achieve the transformative change on disability inclusion are still not being met.” (2022, UN)
Gerard Quinn interviews Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo, discussing the World Bank & disability inclusion. (2022, Gerard Quinn)
Communique from the GLAD Network 2022 Annual General Meeting. (2022, GLAD)
A podcast discussion with Gopal Mitra on the the UN Disability Inclusion Strategy. (2022, Gerard Quinn)
Inclusive Participation Toolbox Supports Disability Inclusive Planning. (2022, CBM)
Inclusion of persons with disabilities in project planning a short guide. (Link to pdf, 2022, GIZ)
Data Quick Guide Towards Disability Inclusive Programme Monitoring (2022, DCDD)
Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities for Sustainable Development Position Paper for the High-Level Political Forum “governments must redouble their efforts to reach the most marginalized and furthest behind to implement policies and programs to address the discrimination and disadvantage faced by persons with disabilities. ” (link to pdf, 2022, Stakeholder Group)
A scoping review on Community Support for Persons with Disabilities in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. (2022, Environmental Research and Public Health)
Organizations of Persons with Disabilities Engagement Officer as a medium to strengthening the disability movement (2022, IDA)
Disability Rights Funds welcomes Catalina Devandas as Executive Director. (2022, DRF) Cata was the first person I interviewed on the Debrief to reflect on her years as Special Rapporteur on Disability.
The UNPRPD Annual Narrative and Financial Report 2021 (link to pdf, 2022, UNPRPD)
Evidence digest on youth and disability inclusion (2022, SD Direct)
Reflections on how racism in the aid sector relates to persons with disabilities and measures that can be taken to localize work on disability: “Any capacity-building programme should be locally and culturally designed and managed by a local CSO/DPO on its premises to build a disability movement locally. ” (2022, Mosharraf Hossein)
Lessons from our partnerships with local organisations of persons with disabilities:
“You are supporting with resources. We are getting job done. We should be paid in the same way, with same remuneration – that’s what equal partnership is!” (2022, Bond)
Pocket guide to safeguarding persons with disabilities and/or mental health conditions in programming. See also for safeguarding in workplaces doing humanitarian and development work. (2022, RSH)
An evaluation of CBM Australia's Inclusion Advisory Group dedicated to advising partner organizations on disability inclusion, and an important model of how capacity on disability inclusion might be provided. (2022, CBM Australia)
In-depth conversation with World Bank Global Disability Advisor Charlotte Vuyiswa McClain-Nhlapo. “It is clear to me that my early exposure to racism and inequality influenced my life’s work for social justice and equality for all.” (2022, Allfie)
LFTW Fact Sheet on Intersectionality Unveiling intersecting discrimination (2022, LFTW)
Tracking disability inclusion in multilateral organizations a report on how inclusion changed between 2018 and 2022.
“Although this report finds certain progress regarding the monitoring of disability inclusion since the first Global Disability Summit, particularly on strategies and commitments, the findings discuss how the step from ambitions to documentation of successful disability inclusion continues to be limited.” (2022, Fafo)
Discussion on how development partners can ensure engagement of organizations of persons with disabilities in CIP's question of the month. (2022, CIP)
A new issue of Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development featuring a lively editorial on the need for local solutions. (2022, DCIDJ)
Engagement of organizations of persons with disabilities: A discussion paper finding that “OPDs are more consulted than before, levels of participation remain insufficient.” Explores the gaps as well as good practices, particularly around investment in supporting representative organizations. (2022, IDA)
Working towards a more inclusive society: Five stories of how the UN is working with partners to advance disability inclusion. (2022, UNSDG)
The pursuit of authentic partnership: personal reflections from the executive director of CBM Global on the difference between partnership and imposition. (2022, CBM Global)
See the CIP question of the month on How civil society can work with large development partners and financial institutions to address disability inclusion. Hosted by the World Bank's lead on disability. (2022)
Innovation to Inclusion Learning Update (link to pdf, 2022, Leonard Cheshire)
World Federation of the Deaf review of 2021. (2022, WFD)
A survey on the situation of persons with deafblindness (2022) (2022, WFDB)
Intersectionality Resource Guide and Toolkit An Intersectional Approach to Leave No One Behind
'This does not require an “add and stir” approach, but rather a full shift in mindset—one that is willing to sit with the discomfort that comes with exploring the relational nature of power and discrimination both within and beyond UN systems.' (2022, UN Women)
Lessons learned from partnerships with organisations of persons with disabilities (2022, CBM Global)
The High Level Political Forum will be in July: see the position paper on how it relates to disability and more from the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities. (2022, IDA)
UN Women experience with Disability Inclusion Markers. (2022, UN Women)
Reflecting a Movement’s Principles in Grantmaking Structure Evidence on the Benefits of Participation (2021, DRF)
Light for the World 2021: The year in review (2021, LFTW)
See You Strategic Framework 2021-2024 Light for the World Netherlands is now See You: 'We see our values reflected in the Bible, as well as represented in the UNCRPD' (link to pdf, 2021, See You)
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Building bridges: experiences of interns with disabilities in UNESCAP. (2024, UNESCAP)
Beyond a seat at the table: towards disability equity in Asia-Pacific. Reflections on the role for Australian development strategy. (2023, DevPolicy Blog)
Disability Inclusion in Asia and the Pacific: A Regional Overview 2023 of the World Food Programme’s efforts towards disability inclusion (2023, WFP)
Persons with Disabilities Key to Achieving Fully Inclusive Societies (2022, SDG Knowledge Hub)
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Latin America and the Caribbean
Changing Latin American Lives through JICA’s Training: The Independent Living Movement of Persons with Disabilities. (2023, JICA)
The path to inclusive local development good practice guide to the social and employment inclusion of young persons with disabilities (in Spanish, 2021, CEPAL)
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Working with self-advocates through the Inclusion Matters project. (2023, Inclusion International)
How a project seeks to solve the north-south power imbalance in leprosy and development work. (2022, The Leprosy News)
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China wins praise for its educational assistance to Ethiopia's vulnerable students. “This came during a special ceremony held Tuesday to mark the topping-out of a Chinese-funded, multi-purpose school building for Alpha School for the Deaf in Addis Ababa” (2023, Xinhua)
Disability Inclusion Academy unveiled in Ethiopia “The Disability Inclusion Academy will train young people with disabilities to become Disability Inclusion Facilitators (DIFs). DIFs are changemakers who advise NGOs, government, and private businesses how to put disability inclusion into practice.” (2023, Light for the World)
Creating inclusive workplaces for people with disabilities exchange between a deaf disability inclusion technical officer and their supervisor. (2023, FHI 360)
Strengthening Organizations of Persons with Disabilities increases impact and value for money: "For every $1 provided by CBM, FEAPD have generated approximately a staggering $14." (2021, CBM Australia)
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The work we began on disability inclusion will continue: reflections on working with organizations of persons with disabilities. (2023, Sightsavers)
She's a U.N. disability advocate profile of Gertrude Oforiwa Fefoame new chair of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (2023, NPR)
How inclusion ambassadors are reducing disability stigma and discrimination (2022, Sightsavers)
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Southern NGO perspectives on collaboration and what it means for international NGOs. (2023, Breaking Down Barriers)
Myth busting: a film made by Kenya OPDs (2022, i2i)
Short video on participation in development projects Inclusivity in Kenya Meru Inclusive Trachoma (MINT) Programme (2022, CBM Global)
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Making localisation a reality: Five takeaways from CBM Global’s partners (2023, CBM Global)
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Deepening Diversity for a More Inclusive Malawi (2023, Disability Rights Fund)
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Building a Movement for Inclusive Nigeria: Highlights of DRF's Grantee Convening. (2022, Disability Rights Fund)
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The Ripples of Resourcing Rwanda’s Disability Rights Movement (2023, Disability Rights Fund)
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Raising awareness of albinism in West Africa. See Maroussia Mbaye's instagram for the series of photos. (does not appear to have alt text, 2022, the Guardian)
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When inclusion is an illusion: sign language interpreters and the pitfalls for ‘inclusive’ development. Exploring a 2018 case study:
“Yet when NGOs or government chose interpreters, they required the guarantee of ‘professionalism’ that came with being employed by the school. They did not check the quality of the interpretation, instead simply relying on the school’s reputation. Many local interpreters were never considered for ‘professional’ assignments, because they were considered part of the ‘community’, though they were sometimes asked to interpret informally and unpaid.” (2024, From Poverty to Power)
Light for the World Uganda Annual Report 2022 (Link to PDF, 2023, LFTW)
The Disability Inclusive Graduation Program alleviating poverty. (2023, Borgen Project)
Uganda’s Diverse Disability Movement Offers Lessons for an Ableist Global Philanthropy. (2022, Yes!)
OPD Conversations: Building Confidence and Challenging Stigma and on inclusive communications during COVID-19. (2022, CBM UK)
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Vocational training empowers people with disabilities and fosters social inclusion. (2024, International Committee of the Red Cross)
Afghans with disability urge Taliban to end ban on aid agency requests for Swedish Committee for Afghanistan to be allowed to resume its activities. (2024, VoA)
Mapping of Disability Services in Afghanistan (2023, Relief Web)
Access to Services from Persons with Disabilities: Is Community Based Rehabilitation Making a Difference? “Our study indicates that a CBR program may be an effective way to provide services for persons with disabilities even in a conflict context such as Afghanistan.” (2022, Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)
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Prayer to failure Debrief feature with reflections 10 years after the Rana Plaza building collapse. (2023, Disability Debrief)
Workshop on building Donor Investment in OPDs at the Country Level (2022, IDA)
How Sadia became a strong advocate for people with disabilities (2021, CBM Australia)
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Disability Inclusion Trainer’s Manual. (2024, UNDP)
Something is better than nothing “The first thing I noticed about these wheelchairs was that they were adult sized. But, in communication with the founder, she was insistent that the recipients of these wheelchairs had to be children, since the volunteers found working with children more gratifying.” (2023, Redundant Charities)
New horizons for Light for the World Cambodia. “Our Light for the World Cambodia office has taken the exciting step of becoming a Cambodian non-profit.” (2022, LFTW)
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Disability Rights: A guide to monitoring compliance (2022, Formasi Disabilitas)
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Testimonials from the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training "I have never seen a training so inclusive". Everything I've heard from people that have gone through this training around the world is extremely positive. (2021, IDA)
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JICA Survey and Analysis on Promotion of Disability Mainstreaming and Inclusion in JICA’s Operations:
“JICA has not established any specific organizational targets or strategies for disability inclusion. Furthermore, its efforts in this area are limited and fragmented throughout its operations.” (Link to pdf, 2024, JICA)
Case Studies on Disability Inclusion in JICA Projects Features projects from Bangladesh, Mongolia and Uganda. (Link to pdf, 2023, JICA)
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Young champions with disabilities put their human rights training into practice (2024, OHCHR)
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“A dream to achieve”: Making Myanmar more disability-inclusive. (2023, UNFPA)
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CBM partners with women leaders to create movement of change for disability “we are supporting the establishment of a federation of disability organisations in the Philippines to collect comprehensive data related to disability inequalities”. (2022, CBM Australia)
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Euro 6.45 million from Finland to Empower Persons with Disabilities to Lead Community Transformation in Syria. (2024, United Nations Development Programme)
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A project officer with disability reflects on his experience in CBM's project (2022, CBM Australia)
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Mainstreaming Universal Accessibility in Urban Infrastructure Projects: Engagement Approach, Process, and Results (2024, World Bank)
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The EU Accession Process: Report and Guidance for Organisations of Persons with Disabilities:
“As part of accession negotiations, Ukraine and Moldova have to undertake a series of complex, long-term reforms in order to align with EU standards in the disability domain such as deinstitutionalisation, reform of the disability assessment system, ensuring an inclusive open labour market and education, among others.” (2024, EDF)
EU in the World Report - 2023 a report on how European Disability Forum has helped shape the EU's international cooperation and humanitarian action. (2024, EDF)
Inclusive Philanthropy: Foundations and Disability Rights a series interviewing foundations and development actors. (2023, EDF)
European Union of the Deaf Impact Report 2022 (2023, EUD)
Toolkits for cooperation between DPOs and EU delegations. Guidance on how disabled-led organizations can engage with the largest humanitarian donor in the world. (2023, EDF)
A guidance note on Global Europe funding for Disabled People's Organizations (2022, EDF)
Annual report on EC spending on disability inclusion in global actions 2018-2020 analysis of the OECD-DAC marker. (2022, EDF)
What about young persons with disabilities? Key issues for how the European Year of Youth should include young people with disabilities. (2021, EDF)
Lack of inclusion of people with disabilities is worrying exclusion at the Conference on the Future of Europe (2021, Euractiv)
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Everybody Gains Through Disability Inclusion Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development Strategic Plan 2024-2026. (2024, DCDD)
Dutch Coalition on Disability and Development Annual Report 2022 (Link to pdf, 2023, DCDD)
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Norway's international work for people with disabilities an article assessing the government's initiatives. (In Norwegian, 2022, Bistands Aktuelt)
Norway launched a new strategy for disability-inclusive development 2022-2025. (2022)
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The government's change in course in aid policy “One example is MyRight, which works globally for people with disabilities. In the past, the organization has received one million a year in support for its information work. This year it was zero.” (In Swedish, quote from Google Translate, 2023, Kollega)
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UN Committee scrutinizes disability inclusion in Swiss international cooperation. “There is no consistent approach to disability across Switzerland’s work internationally.” (2022, EDF)
The Swiss Government responded to the concerns of the CRPD and this is a response to that from civil society in relation to Swiss international cooperation and humanitarian action. (2022, SDDC)
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United Kingdom
Our new Strategy for Disability Justice. “ADD is on a journey away from the traditional model of international development and towards an inclusive solidarity that heals injustice.”
“By focusing our strategic framework on the concept of flow we remind ourselves that this work is not about ADD itself. Instead, it is about using our position and networks to increase the flow of resources and opportunities to those who have the vision, agency and right to lead change – disability justice activists and organisations.” (2024, ADD International)
FCDO and disability-inclusive development a mixed review of the recent state of disability inclusion in the UK's international cooperation. “Stakeholders note that OPDs are consulted arbitrarily and without obligation, making it all too common that policy decisions affecting people with disabilities are made without their direct input. ” (2024, UK Parliament)
“Major shortcomings” in FCDO’s disability-inclusion work: No definition, no delivery plan and deep aid cuts. The chair of the International Development Committee says:
“The FCDO has paid much lip service to disability-inclusion in its development programming but on the ground it’s starting to feel like the bad old days where development was done to, not with, the people impacted. Actual spending on disability inclusion falls short of our expectations. Because of glaring oversights in FCDO’s planning and measurement, people with disabilities remain at constant risk of being overlooked in the climate and conflict emergencies engulfing ever more of our world.” (2024, UK Parliament)
UK's first blind overseas ambassador: “My sight loss helps me connect with people”. (2024, BBC)
An intersectional approach to disability inclusion A resource for members of the Bond Disability and Development Group, donors, and wider NGO sector (2024, Bond)
15 years of advancing disability rights: the UK’s international development progress and a path forwards. “Global crises alongside cuts to Official Development Assistance (ODA) continue to disproportionately impact people with disabilities”. (2023, Bond)
UK government strategy: Sightsavers calls for further action for women and girls with disabilities. (2023, Sightsavers)
On the new International Development Strategy, People with Disabilities don’t have the luxury of time “there is no observable strategy to focus concerted efforts on eradicating poverty and improving the lives of the most marginalised.” (2022, CBM UK)
Meeting the Ambition of the new FCDO Disability Inclusion & Rights Strategy (2022, CBM UK)
Launch of a new development policy, FCDO disability inclusion and rights strategy 2022 to 2030. See a blog post welcoming the new strategy from CBM UK. (2022, Gov UK)
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North America
United States
Disability Rights as Foreign Policy a speech by Secretary Antony J. Blinken. (2024, US Department of State)
Nothing Without Us: USAID Disability Policy 2024 “Any issue affecting humanity is necessarily of relevance to persons with disabilities.” (2024, USAID)
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Australia’s International Disability Equity and Rights Strategy. “This Strategy marks a shift in Australia’s focus from disability inclusion to disability equity and rights”:
“Everyone benefits from disability equity. Poverty, isolation and disadvantage are reduced. The potential for economic growth is stronger. Cohesive societies are more peaceful, resilient and stable. For sustainable development to be achieved, the global community must deliver on our commitment to leave no one behind, including people with disability.” (2024, Commonwealth of Australia)
‘Volunteering has made a big impact on my career’: The ABC’s disability affairs reporter Nas Campanella shares her story. (2023, The Australian Volunteers Program)
Measuring disability equity – why the disability policy marker matters. “In 2021, 18% of Australia’s bilateral official development assistance (ODA) was identified as disability inclusive” (2023, Dev Policy Blog)
Re-establishing DFAT’s leadership on disability equity and rights How the OECD-DAC Disability Marker Can Help (2023, CBM Australia)
Important day for Australia in leaving no-one behind in development program (2022, CBM Australia)
Profile of Jane Edge, CEO of CBM Australia (2022, Probono Australia)
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Organisations of Persons with Disabilities: Making a Difference in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands “It is testament to OPDs’ success that they have become sought-after partners for international agencies in the Pacific”. The report also describes how these agencies perceive and fund the OPD role limits what they can do and makes it harder for them to follow their own objectives. (2022, CBM Global)
Australian leadership in disability inclusion at the 2022 Pacific Satellite Summit (2022, CBM Australia)
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