What does 15% mean? with Jennifer Madans
Going deep on disability data, how we gather it, and how we use it to make change
Guide to international news, November 2021
Climate, Covid, culture and more in a curated guide
Catching up with International News, September 2021
Global collection of research, articles, news and views
Disability Debrief in Rehab
My summer break
“Girls and women with disabilities are leaders now,” with Misti Ashrafun Nahar
Conversation on inclusion in Bangladesh and the relationship between disabled people's organizations and international development partners
Guide to International News, May 2021
More virus news, aid cuts, big business on board, all the reports and more
“To make change happen, you cannot be defined by one thing” with Caroline Casey
Conversation on experience, expectations, and how disability is infused in business
Guide to International News, April 2021
Hey Debriefers,
Welcome to the April round-up of disability news from around the world.
This edition picks up where the March edition left off. You can also catch-up on the
"Education should be more than sitting and learning," with Bernice Oyeleke
Her Abilities Award winner on education, identity and how she's making change.
"We don't want to go back to an inaccessible health system" with Antony Duttine
Understanding disability-inclusion in health systems and the shocks of COVID-19