Our movement is in mourning

Remembering Judy Heumann, and how she changed us.
06 Mar 2023
A line drawing portrait of Judy's face in outline. Short, full hair, glasses, dark eyes holding us, and a peaceful smile.

A disability lens on world news

A vision that grounds the news in our lived experiences.
21 Feb 2023
Painting of blurred colours, from dark blue down into green, yellow, orange and green again. Overlaid with outlines of petals

Don't you have mercy on yourself?

How we turn our isolation into connection
07 Feb 2023
Black and white painting of a downcast face, hands on head. Flanked by 2 figures, one an outline, the other sitting, crying.

Healthcare has to be healed

The impacts of health inequities and how we take revenge.
31 Jan 2023
An illustration of two figures contorting under a large red heart. A jagged line cuts across it and the background is blue.

The progress we made is at risk

Economic recession, ancient history and new books
24 Jan 2023
Dark lines illustrate the outline of a rabbit and a tree growing on its back. The rabbit's eye and tree blossoms pink-red.

“You follow policy, but I want equality”

Curated disability news and highlights from over 75 countries.
17 Jan 2023

How we're making disability media, and how you can help

Its role in a stronger disability movement, and why we need your support
13 Dec 2022
Illustration of Santa, sitting in a wheelchair, holding a sack marked "Disability Debrief", full of emails to deliver.

Escaping institutions, and their shadows

Escaping segregation and my hopes for Tutankhamun
06 Dec 2022
Watercolour illustration of a dark building with columns and outline of birds flying away from it, upwards into a blue sky.

Wheelbarrow or throne, revolutionary or royal

Highlights and curated news from 60+ countries
28 Nov 2022

Advocacy in turbulent times

Jose Viera on how the disability movement can navigate uncertainty.
21 Nov 2022
Picture of a man with a joyful smile. Jose is blind, has light brown skin, an elegant blue suit, short dark hair and goatee.