
Schisms in the Church

The disconnect faced by deaf worshippers in Nigeria
03 Apr 2024
Line outline drawing of a large church building with an imposing facade. Signed Tan Kuan Aw 2024.

Successes and Setbacks

Life stories of women with disabilities in Yemen
24 Jan 2024
Watercolour silhouette of Sana'a, with domes flanked by minarets and buildings, coloured in earthy yellow-brown.

Turning the tide

Fighting for equality when rights are eroded
04 Oct 2023
Photograph of waves crashing on the shore. The sea is dark grey blue and the waves froth white.

Considered a backup

The overlooked power of disabled care
19 Jul 2023
Painting of amorphous purple bodies intertwined, holding each other. Background of urban buildings, dark green.

How many disabled people are there?

Why the complexity of disability can't be reduced to one number
12 Jul 2023
A grid of squares, grouped into different colours. A figure stands in front of them, arms on waist, as if making a decision.

“We are not alone”: Disabled people in Sudan's conflict

Mobility in crisis, and the systems of love that hold things together
03 May 2023
An illustration of city buildings with smoke towering above. In the foreground a small bus heads into the desert.

How do we look after each other?

Rethinking care systems with policy and personal experience
18 Apr 2023

Disabled People in Peru's Political Protests

Breaking stereotypes about protest and taking an active role during a crisis
21 Mar 2023
Illustration of a woman in front of a line of riot police. She gestures with one arm and and the other holds a blank sign.

Our movement is in mourning

Remembering Judy Heumann, and how she changed us.
06 Mar 2023
A line drawing portrait of Judy's face in outline. Short, full hair, glasses, dark eyes holding us, and a peaceful smile.

Healthcare has to be healed

The impacts of health inequities and how we take revenge.
31 Jan 2023
An illustration of two figures contorting under a large red heart. A jagged line cuts across it and the background is blue.